Alcohol Allergies Can Cause Sneezing, Flushing, Headache

ALDH turns aldehyde into acetic acid, a nontoxic substance that doesn’t cause any harm. People can develop an alcohol intolerance for a couple of reasons. Alcohol intolerance happens when your body reacts in an unpleasant way to alcohol, but the process doesn’t involve your immune system. You may develop many symptoms, but you won’t have […]

Substance Abuse Counseling: Definitions, Requirements and Finding a Counselor

Content Substance Abuse Education Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach Substance Abuse Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders What is SAMHSA’s National Helpline? Office of Addiction Services and Supports Automated retrieval programs (commonly called “robots” or “bots”) can cause delays and interfere with other customers’ timely access to information. Therefore, bot activity that doesn’t conform to BLS usage policy […]